In the past, embedded systems were based on microcontrollers, small computers on a single chip. However, in recent years there has been a go now trend towards using single board computers (SBCs) instead of microcontrollers.

Here are some advantages of embedded SBCs:

Longer Lifespan

The lifespan of an embedded single board computer is very high and it can last for a long time without any problems. In contrast, laptops and desktops have short lifespans because they are not made to withstand harsh environments. Therefore, if you want something that will last longer, then you should go for an embedded single board computer.

Best for Harsh Environments

An embedded single board computer can withstand many harsh environments like dust, water and other things that would damage other computers. If you want something that will be able to handle all kinds of situations, then you should go for an embedded single board computer.

Various Industrial and Commercial Applications

Single board computers can be used in various industries such as aviation, defense and space exploration. They are also used by the military to control unmanned vehicles or drones in the battlefields. These boards are also used in other commercial sectors such as energy production, robotics and automation processes among others

Small Size

ESBCs are small enough to fit inside any device or machine that requires computing power, making them perfect for use in devices such as smartphones, routers and TVs. They can also be easily moved from place to place as needed without requiring extensive setup time like traditional computers do. This makes them ideal for use in devices where space is limited or mobility is important.

Low Power Consumption

While ESBCs offer high performance when compared to other similar devices like microcontrollers, they do not consume as much power as traditional personal computers do because they do not require large amounts of cooling equipment like


The biggest advantage of using embedded single board computers is the fact that they are independent. These devices are not dependent on another computer or machine to operate properly. This means that they do not need any other device to operate properly, which is why they are often used in industrial settings where there is no power source available nearby.

Cost Effective

The cost of these devices is very low compared to traditional computers or laptops. These devices can be bought at a fraction of the cost of a laptop or desktop PC. The reason why they are less expensive is because they do not contain many components that traditional computers have like RAM, hard drives etc. This makes them more economical than other devices used for running applications and operating systems such as Windows 10 and Linux Ubuntu OS.

Less Maintenance

Another advantage of using an embedded single board computer is that it requires less maintenance than traditional computers or laptops. You don’t have to worry about installing new software updates or upgrading your device every now and then because it already has all the necessary software loaded on it so all you need to do is just plug it into an outlet and start using! This makes them ideal for use in places where there isn’t any Internet


In general, single board computers are used in small applications. This is not because they are not useful for anything else but it is often the best choice because of the size, power consumption and form factor. If you’re designing a smaller or embedded device then a single board computer might be exactly what you need because they also come at a lower price than a complete PC system. Many of the same ideas can apply to manufacturing processes as well. why pay for parts you don’t need when you could have one that meets all of your needs with fewer components?


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