FIFA coins are like the lifeline of the game. Without them, you cannot enjoy the ultimate gameplay. There are various in-game challenges and tournaments which help attain coins. However, these are time-consuming and more effort-demanding. If you are not a pro in challenges, you may be stuck on the same level for quite some time.

Here come the third-party sellers. The digital market offers numerous sellers who sell FIFA coins. Since buying coins is illegal, flaws in the purchase process result in suspension. Here are some factors you need to look for before you buy fifa 23 coins.

Deals Are Ideal

FIFA coins are not usually cheap. And the cheaper ones typically end up in scams. So the best way to get more by spending less is to look for deals. Numerous sellers put on sales at different times. Like before the new year or other such events.

Additionally, discounts and promotions are your go-to as well. However, don’t compromise on the seller’s authenticity to gain discounts. Usually, new sellers put up more deals to attract buyers. So it is best to search around a new name before purchasing.

Early Bird Catches the Worm

One of the best times is to buy during tournaments. Since winners tend to sell their additional coins, the market swarms with coins; hence the rates drop. Moreover, coin prices see a significant decline when a new year begins. If you are not in tournaments and challenges, the year’s beginning is the best time for investment.

Don’t Pick Comfort Trade

Although comfort trade is beginner-friendly and worry-free, you can lose your account if things go wrong. Player auction is a reliable option, but it takes some skill and monitoring. In comfort trade, you hand over your account’s credentials to the seller to transfer coins. Hence, they can access your EA account and, if unreliable, can cause more harm than good.

Don’t Just Buy Coins

EA monitors your number of logins, matches won, and other activities. Things get suspicious when an inactive account gains higher balances. In-game players also sell coins, and their quality is significantly better. Thus, it is a great way to balance account activeness and purchases.

Never Transfer Huge Amounts

One of the biggest mistakes users make after purchasing coins from a third-party seller is to transfer the whole bulk. It results in a definite ban. Massive transfers alert the EA’s security system quickly. Hence it is suitable to transfer only 100 to 500 k coins weekly, so the account looks organic.

Use The High-Capacity Suppliers for Camouflage

Multi-trade accounts catch the attention of the EA’s security system often. High-capacity suppliers have different sellers to carry out the transaction. Hence, it makes the entire process more natural and less prone to suspension.

Intermediaries Can Help

Since FIFA is the most played soccer game, many online sellers claim to sell safe coins. However, it would be best if you avoided all direct trades. Try to choose a platform for selling and purchasing the coins, so if things don’t work, you can have some authentic proof.

The Bottom Line

Coins are a great way to enhance your gameplay as you can buy new players, upgrade their skills, and purchase other consumables. However, the vastness of sellers makes it difficult to make a decision. Hence the above tips will help you buy safe coins.

Begin by looking for deals and discounts, this way; you can save money and buy more coins. Next, choose a time when the market rates are down. Usually, big tournaments and the beginnings of the year are the best times. Minimize using comfort trades as they are less secure. Lastly, opt for high-capacity sellers and smaller transfers to make things look natural.


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